Starz University offers Cyber security

Career Development Program

Starz University
Starz Transitional Environment Program (STEP) is a freshman transition Project through Starz University is a program designed to help incoming freshmen make a successful adjustment into college life. Faculty advisors, instructors, and student leaders are trained in a variety of leadership and facilitation skills to work with students for easy integration into the University. The student leaders then co-facilitate monthly “Learning Station” activities for all freshmen on topics such as decision making, problem-solving, time management, active listening, communication, and relationship building. Freshmen work in small groups with the same student leaders over the course of the year to create a sense of belonging and community spirit within each small group. CAREER DEVELOPSTEP makes the transition easier at Starz University not only for freshman students but for those individuals attending specialized or short-term programs as well. This intervention program is even more relevant to the student of the College of Information Technology because of the absence of a broader ICT study at the Secondary academic level of the national curriculum. The program aims at redesigning college integration by showcasing a learning environment that is less threatening. The trained facilitators also serve as counsellors to help students choose the right programs and develop good study habits. All students involved in the program attend the same core classes.

Help Programs:

  • Early computer literacy program
  • Mentorship
  • Learning time management
  • Active learning and relationship building

Starz University Career Ready Program (SCRP) is a program embarked upon a campus-wide initiative to become the leading entrepreneurial institution and to dramatically change the landscape in career readiness for Liberian students. It is a quest to improve the culture of discipline of university students to become true entrepreneurs includes five elements:

  • Open the door of the University to any major to obtain a six weeks course sequence in basic computer technology principles, thereby making Liberian students be more career-ready.
  • Place entrepreneurs-in-residence in our program so students can learn in and out of the classroom directly from those who have created jobs and promoted economic growth.
  • Create deliberate partnerships between students in the University (students who wish to take ideas to the marketplace) as professionals (students who are generating innovations).
  • Create greater opportunities through investment in basic technology education.
  • Create an avenue by which the University supports students who create start-ups while enrolled as a student.

Policies and Procedures

Your help is much needed to make the Center operates smoothly. Please pay attention to the following guidelines: Appointments:

  1. Be on time
  2. Bring neat copies of assignments, any direction by the instructor, and any other related materials (textbooks, notebooks, paper  etc. )
  3. Walk-ins are not allowed
  4. Schedule an appointment to get the best help you need and to improve our services

Conduct and Honesty

  • We expect all students to be responsible and respectful to themselves and to others.
  • Students will not be allowed to make noise in class, eat or rudely disrupt classes. If one must talk, please speak in low voices
  • Put off your cell phones in sessions.