The National Commission on Higher Education accredited Starz as a tertiary level institution and licensed to offer Undergraduate programs in Liberia. The College currently offers several specialized ICT and engineering studies, including; a Bachelor of Information Technology with an emphasis in Networks & System Administration, Bachelor of Engineering with an emphasis in Telecommunications, a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Communication with an emphasis in Broadcast & Media Studies, Bachelor degree in other business and arts disciplines such as Procurement & Logistics Management, Banking & Finance, Business Administration, Project Management, and Marketing Management. These disciplines comprise of a full eight academic semesters.
The degree in Project Management is a four-year full-time study that provides students with relevant skills needed to successfully develop and manage the implementation processes of a project. The study also covers computer knowledge, communication, interpersonal, managerial and productivity skills.
Please submit the following items and documents to be considered for enrollment:
Course NO |
Course Title |
C/Hrs. |
ENGL 101 |
Freshman English I | 3 |
MATH 107 |
Pre Calculus |
4 |
ACC 101 |
Introduction to Accounting |
3 |
FREN 101 |
French Grammar I |
3 |
PHYS 101 |
Applied Physics |
3 |
INFO 101 |
Computer Introduction |
3 |
FO 100 |
Freshman Orientation |
1 |
Total credits |
20 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENGL-102 | Freshman English II | 3 |
MATH 108 | Math for Decision-Making | 4 |
ACCT 102 | Introduction to Accounting II | 3 |
FREN 102 | French Grammar II | 3 |
PHYS 102 | Applied Physics II | 3 |
GEOG 101 |
Global and World Issue |
3 |
Total Credits | 19 |
Course NO |
Course Title |
C/Hrs. |
ENGL 201 |
Sophomore English I | 3 |
MATH 203 | Calculus for Business Students | 4 |
MANG 201 | Principal of Management I | 3 |
ECON 201 | Principal of Economics I | 3 |
ACC 201 | Principal of Accounting I | 3 |
PM 201 | Principal of Project Management I | 3 |
Total credits | 19 |
Course NO | Course Title | C/Hrs. |
ENGL 202 | Sophomore English II | 3 |
BEN 202 | Ethics / Morals & Customer Relation | 3 |
MANG 202 | Principal of Management II | 3 |
ECON 202 | Principal of Economics II | 3 |
ACC 202 | Principal of Accounting II | 3 |
PM 202 | Principal of Project Management II | 3 |
Total credits | 18 |
Course NO | Course Title | C/Hrs. |
BA 311 | Human Resource Management 3 | 3 |
BA 360 | Business Finance and Booking 3 | 3 |
BA 362 | Quality Management 3 | 3 |
BA 363 | Organization Behavior & Structure 3 | 3 |
BA 634 | Marketing Management 3 | 3 |
BA 341 | Business and Economics Statistics-1 3 | 3 |
MINOR | 3 | |
Total credits | 21 |
Course NO | Course Title | C/Hrs. |
BA 342 | Strategic Inventory Management | 3 |
BA 357 | Business Law-I | 3 |
BA 366 | Management Theory & Practices | 3 |
BA 369 | Business Management & Administration | 3 |
BA 365 | Business Negotiation | 3 |
ECON 342 | Business and economics Statistics | 3 |
MINOR | 3 | |
Total credits | 21 |
Course NO | Course Title | C/Hrs. |
BA 401 | International Business Communication | 3 |
BA 402 | Financial Management in Business | 3 |
BA 403 | Public Relation & Professional Strategy 3 in Business Administration | 3 |
BA 405 | Business Policy & Strategy | 3 |
BA 491 | Business Research & Project | 3 |
MINOR | 3 | |
Total credits | 18 |
Course NO | Course Title | C/Hrs. |
BA 402 | International Business Administration | 3 |
BA 404 | Project & Services Management | 3 |
BA 411 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
BA 492 | Research/ Methodology/ Thesis | 3 |
MINOR | 3 | |
MINOR | 3 | |
Total credits | 18 |
After admissions approval, all registered students should check at Starz information/front desk for available schedules for selection.
Application Deadline | Results | |
First Entrance Exams | November 1 | December 15 |
Second Entrance Exams | January 1 | February 15 |
Third Entrance Exams | January 1 | April 1 |
Documents can be submitted to the below address :
Records & Admission Office,
Starz University, Opposite Sharks
Airfield, Sinkor, Montserrado Co.