Bachelor’s degrees in Database Administration, Database Technology or Database Management are rare. However, students may find bachelor’s degrees in computer science or information technology with a focus on database administration. Database Administrators use network databases to organize information, and some also design Web applications and program basic computer programs.
This course provides a foundation for the design, implementation, and management of database systems. Students will study both design and implementation issues, however, database management issues will be emphasized. Management issues will include transaction management and concurrency control, distributed database management systems, and database administration.
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic database management administration concepts and practice on the SQL and Oracle platform with programming codes. This course give chance to students to take “MCSA certification under Database Administration or Oracle Database 11g Administration Certified Associate (OCA)” certificate which is very valuable for their professional life.
Please submit the following items and documents to be considered for enrollment:
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENGL 101 |
Freshman English I |
3 |
FO 100 | Freshman Orientation – STEP | 1 |
FREN 101 | French Grammar I | 3 |
INFO 101 | Computer Introduction | 3 |
MATH 107 | Pre-Calculus | 4 |
PHYS 101 | Applied Physics | 3 |
Total credits | 17 |
Course No. |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
ENGL 102 |
Freshman English II |
3 |
MATH 108 |
Math for Decision-Making |
4 |
FREN 102 |
French Grammar II |
3 |
GEOG 101 |
Global Issues in Technology |
3 |
ART 277 |
Introduction to Digital Media I |
3 |
Total Credits |
16 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ART 205 | Digital Media II | 3 |
ENGL 201 | Sophomore English I | 3 |
INF0 278 | Operating Systems | 3 |
INFO 201 | Computer Concepts & Hardware | 3 |
MATH 203 | Calculus for Business Students | 0 |
Total credits | 17 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENGL 202 | Sophomore English II | 3 |
NET 207 | Introduction to Networking | 3 |
BEN 201 | Ethics / Morals and Customer Relation | 4 |
ENGR 286 | Introduction to Database | 3 |
ENT 266 | Leadership | 3 |
Total credits | 15 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Advanced Database Management Systems or (Database II) |
3 | |
Object-Oriented Programming with Python & Java | 3 | |
INFO 306 | Web Design & Management Application | 3 |
DB Programming: Oracle PL/SQL Server | 3 | |
Structured System Analysis and Design | 4 | |
RSR 300 | Research Method | 3 |
Total credits | 19 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
INFO 341 | Legal and Ethical Issues in Data Management | 3 |
Data Architecture and Metadata Design | 4 | |
INFO 344 | IT & Risk Management | 3 |
INFO 355 | e-Information Technology | 3 |
Total credits | 16 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Cloud-Based Data Distribution & Virtualization | 3 | |
INFO 465 | Network & Database Security | 4 |
MNGT 480 | IT Project Management | 3 |
Data Warehousing Design | 4 | |
INFO 483 | Technical Report Writing | 3 |
Total credits | 16 |
Course No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SQL/Oracle Database Administration (MCSA/Oracle OCA) | 4 | |
MISD 478 | Management Information System | 3 |
INFO 491 | IT Capstone/Research Final Project | 3 |
INFO 421 | Internship | 6 |
Total credits | 17 |
After admissions approval, all registered students should check at Starz information/front desk for available schedules for selection.
Application Deadline | Results | |
First Entrance Exams | November 1 | December 15 |
Second Entrance Exams | January 1 | February 15 |
Third Entrance Exams | January 1 | April 1 |
Documents can be submitted to the below address :
Records & Admission Office,
Starz University, Opposite Sharks
Airfield, Sinkor, Montserrado Co.